OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse Plugin (Build POM)

OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse Plugin (Build POM)

OPS4J Pax Runner - Eclipse plugin that adds launch configurations for all the platforms / versions supported by Pax Runner. See details at http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/x/0QBN

Provided зависимости (2)

Група / Артефакт Версия Нова Версия
org.osgi » org.osgi.compendium 4.0.1 5.0.0
org.osgi » org.osgi.core 4.0.1 6.0.0

Test зависимости (2)

Група / Артефакт Версия Нова Версия
junit » junit 4.4 4.13.2
org.easymock » easymock 2.3 5.1.0