OPS4J Pax Exam TestContainer Native

OPS4J Pax Exam TestContainer Native

Leverages the OSGi R4.2 Launch API so it just works with newer osgi implementations.

Provided зависимости (3)

Група / Артефакт Версия Нова Версия
org.kohsuke.metainf-services » metainf-services 1.2 1.8
org.osgi » org.osgi.compendium 4.3.1 5.0.0
org.osgi » org.osgi.core 4.3.1 6.0.0

Test зависимости (3)

Група / Артефакт Версия Нова Версия
org.mockito » mockito-all 1.9.5 2.0.2-beta
org.slf4j » slf4j-simple 1.6.6 2.0.12
junit » junit 4.12 4.13.2